21.11.2017 Cabins

Construction Site Cabins

A portable modular building with multiple windows and doors is situated on a gravel and grassy area, with open fields and trees in the background under a partly cloudy sky.

(last updated – January 2022)

One of the many uses for portable buildings is on construction sites as a site office.

Construction cabins can be an ideal way of providing additional working space to people limited by their environment and its size or permanence. Portable cabins are one of the options best suited to these conditions, allowing sites to make the most of their available space in order to meet all of their working needs.


Site preparations such as levelling can be completed whilst the unit is still in the factory, meaning there are no delays and a much shorter project completion time for building site cabins in this way. Perhaps more importantly for some, the site office cabin can be disassembled at the end of the project ready to be taken to the next site, saving money for the construction company and also being a better solution environmentally.

The construction site cabin can serve a number of functions. The most obvious use of cabins on a construction site is to provide a secure base of operations for the foreman or site leader. In this space, away from the problems of the elements and rain damage, the foreman can liaise with architects, clients and suppliers.

It is also a weatherproof place to store site diagrams, plans and important safety documentation. On large projects like housing estates, schools and factories, having a central base of operations is absolutely essential to ensure efficiency and from which to manage the large teams of contractors and independent partners who are involved.

Thirdly, they can also be used as a recreational space and catering facilities. Particularly on large projects, it can be useful to have somewhere for staff to congregate during their lunch breaks or other rest times which is away from the wind and rain and in which ideas can be discussed.

It is also a useful place to meet at the start of each shift, allowing instructions to be disseminated with ease, and in which posters of news, safety policies and other items can be displayed.

Get in touch for any advice on modular or portable buildings.

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